Travel Guides & Maps

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2.990 Lekë
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890 Lekë
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Przewodnik ksenofoba to żartobliwe, ale pouczające spojrzenie na charakter i dziwactwa różnych narodów. W tym tomie autor pokazuje, które wyjątkowe zalety i słabości Albańczyków czynią ich Albańczykami oraz jak te cechy są postrzegane przez inne narody. Szczera, napisana z nutą ironii książka...
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2.090 Lekë
(Including tax)
La prima guida monografica in italiano dedicata al Kosovo. Offre al turista le informazioni generali per capire il Paese attaverso la sua storia e la sua cultura. Il Kosovo si sta scoprendo, quasi a sorpresa, inedita destinazione turistica dove al retaggio del mondo ortodosso si uniscono...
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990 Lekë
(Including tax)
Tour guide in cooperation with National Society for Mountainous Studies SHKSM and Albanian Alps Association GPS-compatibel Tracks Hiking & Biking Map 1:50 000
In stock
990 Lekë
(Including tax)
Tour guide in cooperation with National Society for Mountainous Studies SHKSM and Albanian Alps Association GPS-compatibel Tracks Hiking & Biking Map 1:50 000
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2.990 Lekë
(Including tax)
This new, thoroughly updated sixth edition of Bradt's Albania remains the only standalone guide to this dynamic and rapidly modernising eastern European country, from the capital, Tirana, a lively European city, with shopping malls, cycle paths, museums, galleries and historic buildings, to...
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1.200 Lekë
(Including tax)
Neben der übersichtlichen Gestaltung verfügt die Straßenkarte Albanien 1:150.000 über zahlreiche Zusatzinformationen wie z.B. Straßenbeschaffenheit, Sehenswürdigkeiten, und Campingplätze. Mit dem umfangreichen Ortsregister gelingt zudem eine rasche Orientierung. Die "Top 10 Tips" -...
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3.390 Lekë
(Including tax)
Albania, una de las joyas mejor guardadas del Adriático, se está convirtiendo poco a poco en un atractivo turístico para quienes salen en busca de lo auténtico en Europa. Situada en una de las rutas de unión entre Oriente y Occidente, Albania es un país antiguo, con una lengua y cultura propias,...
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2.490 Lekë
(Including tax)
Gli italiani che scelgono l'Albania per le proprie vacanze sono sempre di più, grazie anche alla vicinanza culturale e geografica, alla disponibilità di voli low cost che collegano Tirana all'Italia e all'assenza della necessità di passaporti e visti per l'ingresso nel Paese. Questa guida...
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3.790 Lekë
(Including tax)
In stock
990 Lekë
(Including tax)
Tour guide in cooperation with National Society for Mountainous Studies SHKSM and Albanian Alps Association GPS-compatibel Tracks Hiking & Biking Map 1:50 000
In stock
990 Lekë
(Including tax)
Tour guide in cooperation with National Society for Mountainous Studies SHKSM and Albanian Alps Association GPS-compatibel Tracks Hiking & Biking Map 1:50 000
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1.000 Lekë
(Including tax)
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3.390 Lekë
(Including tax)
Albanien erfreut sich seit einigen Jahren großen Interesses bei Individualtouristen und Studienreisenden. Die bunte Hauptstadt Tirana hält durchaus dem Vergleich mit anderen europäischen Hauptstädten stand und hat dabei trotz allem ihren Charme bewahrt. Die Albanische Riviera, die ungezähmte...
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2.090 Lekë
(Including tax)
Discover one of the most varied Balkan countries with its interesting culture and learn about beautiful, untouched landscapes, outstanding sights, historical background and the culinary diversity of Albania. Practical tips, approx. 300 photos, five overview maps, five city maps and a removable...
In stock
990 Lekë
(Including tax)
Tour guide in cooperation with National Society for Mountainous Studies SHKSM and Albanian Alps Association GPS-compatibel Tracks Hiking & Biking Map 1:50 000
In stock
990 Lekë
(Including tax)
Tour guide in cooperation with National Society for Mountainous Studies SHKSM and Albanian Alps Association GPS-compatibel Tracks Hiking & Biking Map 1:50 000
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1.990 Lekë
(Including tax)
Questa guida d autore, dopo una prima, ricca sezione dedicata alla storia, cultura e ambiente dell Albania, si articola in capitoli dedicati alle principali ragioni d interesse turistico (il patrimonio archeologico, i siti tutelati dell UNESCO, le ricchezze paesaggistiche e le peculiarità...
Out of stock
990 Lekë
(Including tax)
Tour guide in cooperation with National Society for Mountainous Studies SHKSM and Albanian Alps Association GPS-compatibel Tracks Hiking & Biking Map 1:50 000
Out of stock
1.200 Lekë
(Including tax)

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