Toys & Games

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22.000 Lekë
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✅LICENCUAR VESPA MOTORCYCLE: Kjo udhëtim e licencuar zyrtarisht në Vespa me motor për fëmijë nga 3 deri në 6 vjeç (nën mbikëqyrjen e të rriturve) me peshë maksimale të kalorësit 30 kg. ✅SAFE DHE STABLE: E pajisur me 2 rrota të mëdha dhe 2 rrota të vogla ndihmëse, motoçikleta nuk do të bjerë...
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4.149 Lekë 3.734 Lekë
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Let your child learn the fun way by building the blocks, completing the images and being rewarded with one of the wonderful Nursery Rhymes featured on CoComelon. As with all WOW! STUFF official licensed Cocomelon products, the CoComelon Musical Clever Blocks has been designed in collaboration...
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36.990 Lekë
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Makine per femije me vetekomandim ( e komandon vet femija) dhe telekomande nga nje i rritur.  Mosha e pershtatshme 1-8 vjec.  Max i peshes 30 kg.  Bateri me fuqi 12V. Koha e karikimit 8-12 ore Kater goma aktive (4x4). Dyert i hapen te dyja.  Rrip sigurimi per femijen.  Suporton usb dhe aux per...
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3.000 Lekë 2.690 Lekë
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Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor, 8+ years
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3.600 Lekë 3.400 Lekë
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item description Article no.  S0X120OEP2 Pilsan children's slide Funny Recommended age from 1 year, maximum weight 25 kg Suitable for indoors and outdoors, weatherproof material easy assembly, rounded edges Slide length 105 cm, wide steps The beautiful, two-tone ...
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12.600 Lekë 11.340 Lekë
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-Rreshqitese Pilsan  -Mosha e perdorimit 3 vjec+ -Kapaciteti i peshes mbajtese 35 kg -Montim i lehte -Argetues dhe i sigurte  -Mundesia e perdorimit per ambjent te jashtem dhe te brendshem. - Pamja Stylish Dhe Dizajni Ergonomik - Dimensionet e produktit: 199,5 x 155...
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51.000 Lekë 45.900 Lekë
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Seti me rreshqitese me kolovarse e markes se njohur Pilsan,eshte e dizenjuar me nje material shume cilesore dhe te sigurte. Eshte e pershtateshme per me shume se nje femije. Instalohet shume lehte. Perfshin koshin e basketbollit,rreshqitese, dhe kolavarsen. Perdoret per femijet e moshes...
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27.490 Lekë
(Including tax)
Makine per femije me vetekomandim (e komandon vet femija) dhe telekomande nga nje i rritur.  Mosha e pershtatshme 1-6 vjec.   Max i peshes 30 kg.   Bateri me fuqi 12V.  Koha e karikimit 8-12 ore  Dy gomat mbrapa aktive.  Dyert i hapen te dyja.   Rrip sigurimi per femijen.   Suporton usb...
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Nerf Elite 2.0 Flipshots Flip-32 Blaster, 32 Dart Barrels Flip to Double Your Firepower, 32-Dart Capacity, 32 Nerf Darts
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1.190 Lekë
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Kodi: 14414
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‍890‍ Lekë
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Kodi: 14827
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46.200 Lekë 41.580 Lekë
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My House Garden House By Pilsan A wonderful garden house was created by the Pilsan brand, which is characterized by high quality workmanship and fitting elements. The house has opening doors and shutters, thanks to which nothing will prevent the little ones from playing and...
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1.990 Lekë
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Ready up with the Fortnite 4" Solo Mode Shark Henchman action figure. This articulated 4" figure has incredible game-accurate details and features one of the most popular Outfits from Epic Games’ Fortnite, comes with the awesome Chomp Jr. Fortnite harvesting tool so you can live out...
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1.190 Lekë
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Kodi: 00444
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‍599‍ Lekë ‍539‍ Lekë
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Pack of 9 cards. Only skilled fencers will be able to handle the new Shadow Breakers expansion! Sharpen your sword and get ready to duel with new themes and relive the legend of the TRADING CARD GAME Yu-Gi-Oh! Fighter of the Blades is back with Buster Blader, the Destruction Swordmaster, with...
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6.500 Lekë
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Shtëpia e barbit eshte e lëvizshme dhe shpaloset për të zbuluar një shtëpi njëkatëshe më shumë se 2 metra të gjerë dhe me nje loje 360 gradë. Ka një kuzhinë, dhomë gjumi, banjo dhe pishinë. Në kuzhinë, një lavaman dhe sobë ndihmojnë për të luajtur histori gatimi. Dhoma e...
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4.200 Lekë 3.780 Lekë
(Including tax)
Dimensionet  e produktit 262 x 160 x 46 cm
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‍550‍ Lekë
(Including tax)
Code: SLM38-B0800C
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‍350‍ Lekë
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1.390 Lekë
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Learn the letters of the alphabet with this fun Early Learning Centre Alphabet Lotto learning game. With four fun ways to play, encourage your little ones to develop letter and colour recognition as they match the pictures or letters to the board. Players can choose to match...
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