Baby & Toddler

Soxholino sistem isofix, rrotullim 360 grade dhe kend shtrirje. Isofix- soxholino fiksohet ne sediljen e makines me ane te kapseve te posacme qe soxholino ka, pa qene nevoja per te perdorur rripin e sigurimit te makines per te fiksuar soxholinon. Cka e ben montimin e soxholinos shume te...
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3.990 Lekë
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Chipolino bag for Strollers for Baby Items Suitable for all types of strollers More internal pockets and 3 thermals to place bottles It comes with a changing mat
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14.990 Lekë 13.490 Lekë
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Chipolino Dining Chair 3 in 1 Rotto Dining chair that can be used in 3 ways Holds weight up to 15 kg It can also be installed in adult chairs, with 5 safety points and double trays Created in accordance with European standards
BrandChipolino Color04-Beige
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4.000 Lekë 3.100 Lekë
(Including tax)
Monopatina Scooter Panda Me rrota me drita led; Me timon me 3 nivele lartesie; E pershtatshme per moshat 3-8 vjec; Pesha maksimale 50 kg; Paloset lehtesisht per t’u mbajtur ne dore ose makine; Me sistem frenimi; Bazament antirreshkitje per vendosjen e kembes; 4 ngjyra- roze; e...
Color008 - blue
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4.000 Lekë 2.700 Lekë
(Including tax)
Monopatina Scooter Me rrota me drita led; Me muzike; Me timon me 3 nivele lartesie; E pershtatshme per moshat 3-8 vjec; Pesha maksimale 50 kg; Paloset lehtesisht per t’u mbajtur ne dore ose makine; Me sistem frenimi; Bazament antirreshkitje per vendosjen e kembes; 3 ngjyra- roze; e...
Color008 - Pink
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50.000 Lekë 45.000 Lekë
(Including tax)
Stroller set for Cam brand children. Suitable for children aged 0-36 months. For ages 0-12 months it is recommended that the seat be placed face down by the mother, for ages 12-36 months to be placed face down from the street. With movable upper support and shelter as desired....
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14.000 Lekë
(Including tax)
-Baby Monitor Smart Chicco is the control system that allows you to observe and control your child from a distance of 200 m away. -Chicco Baby Monitor Deluxe is equipped with two units: parent unit with 2.4 "color screen and child unit, with night vision camera.
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21.990 Lekë 19.990 Lekë
(Including tax)
Chipolino Car Seat 360 Isofix Techno 0-36 kg Suitable for newborn babies and children weighing up to 36 kg It rotates in 360 degrees Provides excellent protection and comfort during travel Certified according to European standards                                                                                                                                  Comes in three colors black, gray and and beige
BrandChipolino Color001 - black
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15.990 Lekë
(Including tax)
Soxholino Inglesina sistem isofix Isofix- soxholino fiksohet ne sediljen e makines me ane te kapseve te posacme qe soxholino ka, pa qene nevoja per te perdorur rripin e sigurimit te makines per te fiksuar soxholinon. Cka e ben montimin e soxholinos shume te thjeshte dhe praktike Mosha e...
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4.200 Lekë 3.780 Lekë
(Including tax)
- The remote control engine is inspired by the real Vespa Primavera model. -With realistic details and sounds. -Thanks to the intuitive steering wheel, it can be steered in any direction.
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32.000 Lekë
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Suitable for children from 9 to 36 kg Mounting in the car with Isofix system or with 3-point seat belts of the vehicle The red belt positioner guides ensure the correct position of the belt (Group 2/3) Reducing mattress for toddlers.
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‍680‍ Lekë ‍499‍ Lekë
(Including tax)
Description Natural essential oil Leakproof and waterproof Adjustable length Compact and light Long-lasting repellent Protect your children from mosquitoes with this fashionable mosquito repellent bracelet with natural essential oils. Portable and compact...
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2.520 Lekë 2.268 Lekë
(Including tax)
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13.500 Lekë
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Seggiolino Combo -the head support is with soft filling and adjustable in different heights, -adjustable backrest in some positions, 5-point seat belt -Can be placed in the seat only in the front position using the standard seat belt provided in the car. -Removable...
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‍300‍ Lekë
(Including tax)
Përshkrimi 0-6 Muaj Qumësht i lëngshëm, gati për përdorim 200 ml Paketim steril, i sigurt & praktik Bazuar në 40 vjet kërkime mbi jetën e hershme
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2.800 Lekë
(Including tax)
Qumesht organik per femije , i cili siguron nevojat ushqimore te foshnjes nga 6-12 muajsh. Qumështi i gjirit te nenes eshte formule e arte, por nese nuk keni mundesi qe ta ushqeni femijen me qumesht gjiri, atehere qumeshti Aptamilju ndihmon duke i plotesuar te gjitha nevojat ushqyese te foshnjes. Cdo vakt qe i jepet foshnjes duhet te permbaje vlerat e duhura ushqimore ne sasine e duhur. Ushyerja e shendetshme ne fillimet e jetes garanton nje zhvillim te shendetshem per femijet ne cdo stad te saj. Ingridientet:  Ne krahasim me Aptamil 2 permban dyfishin e sasise se hekurit qe t'u pergjigjet nevojave ne rritje te kesaj moshe, me shume kalcium; vitamina A, D; Perzierje unike prebiotikesh (scGOS/lcFOS); LCPUFA (zinxhir i gjate acidesh yndyrore shumefishe te pangopura); proteina; vitamina; antioksidante; fibra prebiotike; hekur; calcium dhe minerale te domosdoshme per rritjen e shendetshme te bebes (ne sasite dhe raportet e duhura). Perberja ne 100ml qumesht te pergatitur:  Proteina: 1.4g; Karbohidrate: 8.6g; Yundyrna: 3g; Hekur: 1mg; Kalcium: 65mg; Fibra prebiotike: 0.6g etj. Me nje sasi prej 800g *Shenim i rendesishem Qumeshti i gjirit esht ushqimi ideal per rritjen e shendetshme dhe zhvillimin e foshnjave e te femijeve. Ai mbron nga diarreja dhe semundjet e tjera *Kujdes: Perpara se te vendosesh te plotesosh ose zevendesosh qumeshtin e gjirit me kete produkt, keshillohuni me mjekun ose personin qe ofron kujdes shendetesor per nenen dhe femijen.
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18.000 Lekë
(Including tax)
Universal car seat approved according to ECE regulation R44 / 04 for Groups 1/2/3 or for children from 9 to 36 Kg (from 1 to 12 years approximately). Equipped with a movable support starting from children 22 kg, allowing the use of only the base / amplifier. Depending on the group of...
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2.800 Lekë
(Including tax)
Aptamil Pronutra Advance 1-Formulë foshnjore 800gr Është një formulë foshnjore e kompletuar, e përgatitur posaçërisht për të plotësuar nevojat nutricionale të bebeve tuaja në stadet e hershme të zhvillimit të tyre - nga lindja deri 6 muaj. Formulë e patentuar e gjeneratës së ardhshme, që kombinon përzierjen tone unike të elementeve me proçesin tonë unik dhe të avancuar. Pas kësaj periudhe rekomandohet të kalohet gradualisht nga stadi 1 tek stadi 2 (Aptamil 2).  Ingridientët: Përzierje unike prebiotikësh (scGOS/lcFOS) dhe postbiotikësh (HMO 3”GL); LCPUFA (zinxhir i gjate acidesh yndyrore shumëfishe të pangopura); proteina; vitamina; antioksidantë; hekur; kalcium dhe minerale të domosdoshme për rritjen e shëndetshme të bebes (në sasitë dhe raportet e rekomanduara). Alergjenë: qumështi, peshku, soja. Përbërja ne 100ml qumësht të përgatitur: Energji 285kj/68 kcal ; Yndyrna 3.2g : (te ngopura 1.4 g, Acide yndyrore shumefishe te pangopura 0.5g, (ALA) 51.4mg, LCPs² 0.03g, (DHA) 17.0mg, (ARA) 8.8mg); Karbohidrate 8.2g: (sheqer 8.1, laktoze 7.8g, inositol 6.6mg); Fibra 0.6g: (GOS³ 0.5g, FOS³ 0.08g, 3’GL (HMO)⁴ 0.015g) Proteina 1.4g; Vitamina: Vitamine A 60μg, Vitamine D 1.7μg, Vitamine E 0.77mg, Vitamine K 5.9μg, Vitamine C 9.0mg, Vitamine B1 0.05mg, Vitamine B2 0.14mg, Vitamine B3 0.46mg, Vitamine B6 0.05mg, Acid folik 13μg, Vitamine B12 0.17μg, Biotin 1.8μg, Acid Pantotenik 0.49mg, Minerale; Natrium 23mg, Kalium 78mg, Klorid 54mg, Kalcium 73mg, Fosfor 50 mg, Magnez 7.1mg, Hekur 1.0mg, Zink 0.50mg, Baker 0.05mg, Mangan 0.005mg, Fluor <= 0.006mg, Selen 3.1μg, Jod 13μg, L-karnitine 2.00mg, Koline15mg, Taurine 5.1mg, Nukleotide 2.4mg, Karbohidrate jokalorike 0.2g Doza standarte: Aptamil 1 Pronutra ADVANCE= 90 ml ujë + 3 lugë matëse Paketim në Eazy Pack 800gr. *Shenim i rendesishem Qumeshti i gjirit esht ushqimi ideal per rritjen e shendetshme dhe zhvillimin e foshnjave e te femijeve. Ai mbron nga diarreja dhe semundjet e tjera *Kujdes: Perpara se te vendosesh te plotesosh ose zevendesosh qumeshtin e gjirit me kete produkt, keshillohuni me mjekun ose personin qe ofron kujdes shendetesor per nenen dhe femijen.
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1.800 Lekë 1.490 Lekë
(Including tax)
Description Kid's Electric Sonic Toothbrush Animal Cartoon Rechargeable Whitening Decay Prevention Children's Electric Toothbrush EB52  Giraffe / Bear / Warm heart / Crocodile / Elephant / Rabbit / Whale   Feature: ● IPX7 body waterproof ● Charging time 2 hours, long battery life...
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2.300 Lekë
(Including tax)
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