Books & Art

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1.490 Lekë
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A modern and inclusive toolkit about growing up, filled with real questions from real children, answered by experts. Everyone knows how it feels when they're asked a question by a child and haven't been sure about how to respond. It might have been: What are belly buttons for? What happens to me...
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1.500 Lekë
(Including tax)
Nazim Shtino ka lindur më 1940. Prej vitit 1965 ka ushtruar profesionin e psikiatrit, psikiatrit-ligjor dhe neurologut. Po kështu, ai ka kryer detyrën e mësimdhënies në Universitetin e Tiranës, Fakulteti i Drejtësisë, në Fakultetin e Mjekësisë dhe në disa universitete jopublike. Në veprimtarinë e...
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1.500 Lekë
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Ditën që ETA njofton se i ka lënë armët, Bitori niset për në varrezë që t’i tregojë varrit të të shoqit, Çatos, vrarë nga terroristët, se ajo ka vendosur të kthehet në fshatin ku kanë banuar. A mund të bashkëjetojë me ata që e ngacmonin para dhe mbas atentatit që i kishte shkatërruar jetën asaj...
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590 Lekë
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800 Lekë
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Një histori e vërtetë për domethënien e jetës, e rrëfyer në këto faqe libri, mund të duket e paimagjinueshme, por Mitch Albom-i, shkrimtar bashkëkohor amerikan, e ka realizuar këtë. Ai rrëfen historinë e mësuesit që ia ndryshoi atij jetën, duke i treguar arsyet e vërteta pse kemi ardhur në këtë...
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600 Lekë
(Including tax)
“Të rrallë janë personalitet që në historinë e një kombi ia dalin të shkëlqejnë me të njëjtën fuqi vezulluese në çdo kohë.I tillë është, padyshim, Qazim Kokoshi, patriot vizionar. Aktivist i shquar i çështjes kombëtare, udhëheqës i kryengritjeve antiosmane 1907-1912, përfaqësues i Vlorës në...
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1.200 Lekë
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4.290 Lekë
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Studio Craft & Technique for Architects is a one-stop handbook for architecture students. It provides step-by-step techniques for perfecting the vital skills of drawing, model making and surveying. It is a primer on the conventions of architectural representation and the use of materials. It also...
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700 Lekë
(Including tax)
Puna novatore, brilante dhe e thellë e Robert A. Johnson mbi mënyrën se si gratë arrijnë pjekurinë dhe kultivojnë identitetin e tyre. Ç’do të thotë të jesh grua? Cila është rruga drejt pjekurisë femërore? Dhe cilët janë përbërësit mashkullorë të personalitetit të gruas? Shumë studiues dhe...
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150 Lekë
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Code: NCBR229
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1.400 Lekë
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1.400 Lekë
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5.890 Lekë
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This Building Likes Me offers an engaging account of the recent work of one of Australia's most significant architectural practices, John Wardle Architects (JWA). They are fascinated by those who experience their buildings and spaces - by those who live or work in them, or simply walk past. These...
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1.390 Lekë
(Including tax)
Perfect for Valentine's Day, Father's Day, or any day, babies can lift the flap on each spread to see what Disney characters love about their Dads! Messages of love come to life with this eye-catching die-cut board book, which also features chunky lift-the-flaps. Gift it on Father's Day, for baby...
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790 Lekë
(Including tax)
As a group of Western tourists travel down the Nile on the steamer Korosko towards the historical sites near Egypt's southern border, they are kidnapped by a marauding band of dervishes who demand their conversion to Islam. Cut off from the world, deprived of the comforts of civilized society and...
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990 Lekë
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When do most animals have babies? Who's awake on summer nights? How do animals survive the winter? In this book, you'll find the answers and lots more fascinating facts about the different seasons. With simple text and beautiful illustrations, plus Usborne Quicklinks to websites with carefully...
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990 Lekë
(Including tax)
Join Verity and her magical fairy friends in this enchanting retelling of Rapunzel, a much-loved fairy-tale classic, full of magic, mystery and more! Author Caroline Wakeman takes you on a journey to a magical Fairy Kingdom alongside lovable Verity and her gang of her sparkly fairy friends, as...
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2.490 Lekë
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*A younger reader's edition of the number-one bestselling memoir by former first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama. With a new introduction from Mrs Obama herself* What's important is our story, our whole story, including those moments when we feel a little vulnerable . . . Michelle...
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3.000 Lekë
(Including tax)
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4.190 Lekë
(Including tax)
He emerged from nowhere to seize the presidency, defeat populism and upend French party politics. Who is Emmanuel Macron? How far can he really change France? InRevolution Française, Sophie Pedder examines the first year in office of France's youngest and most exciting president in modern times,...
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