Books & Art

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700 Lekë
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A mund të parashikohej një tragjedi në Kosovë? Çfarë luhet në të vërtet përmes këtij konflikti? Mos vallë shqiptarët janë një popull i tepërt? A janë kosovarët realisht viktima të një gjenocidi? Muaj pas muaji duke iu përgjigjur pyetjeve të Denis Fernandez Recatala-s Ismail Kadare flet për fatin...
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800 Lekë
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2.190 Lekë
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Albania is the least-known and least developed country in Europe. It has a long, rich and troubled past, characterised by unrest and isolationism. Today, very little is known of its people - beyond those who have emigrated to other countries in Europe - and its landscapes have remained virtually...
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490 Lekë
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`Welcome, O life! I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race.' Autobiographical in tone, Joyce's tale of Stephen Dedalus' journey into adulthood explores the intellectual and moral development of an...
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350 Lekë
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Ky libër është një risi në formë dhe përmbajtje dhe i pari i llojit të vet në fushën e legjislacionit farmaceutik shqiptar. Përgjatë viteve, janë kryer disa ndryshime në ligjin shqiptar “Për produktet mjekësore dhe shërbimet farmaceutike”. Shqipëria nuk është ende pjesë e Bashkimit Europian dhe...
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3.250 Lekë
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The frames have a lovely, slightly "rubberised" texture, providing a comfortable grip and improves the overall feel. The sprung hinge arms allow for flexibility without breaking at this traditional stress-point Each pair includes soft felt case & cleaning cloth.
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990 Lekë
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THE BOOK THAT WILL DEFINE A DECADE RIGHTS SOLD IN 27 TERRITORIES SOON TO BE A TV SHOW DIRECTED BY JOHAN RENCK (Chernobyl) 'The biggest mystery thriller since Gone Girl' ELLE 'Incendiary, beautifully written debut' Guardian 'Psychologically astute, adroitly organised, written with flair' Sunday...
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800 Lekë
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1.000 Lekë
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"Me Jim Rohnin jam njohur kur isha shtatëmbëdhjetë vjeç dhe ai pati një ndikim të madh mbi jetën dhe filozofinë time, ashtu si dhe mbi mënyrën se si unë e shihja jetën dhe si e kuptoja përmirësimin tim. Filozofitë e tij tani janë pjesë e pandashme e jetës sime saqë tani më duket qesharake që...
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1.090 Lekë
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3.890 Lekë
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Tziganes, Gitans ou Roms : quel que soit le terme pour les désigner, ils comptent parmi les peuples les plus incompris de la planète. Tantôt crainte, décriée, idéalisée ou méprisée, cette diaspora de douze millions de personnes reste encore largement méconnue. Le livre d'Isabel Fonseca lui rend...
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2.090 Lekë
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The new children's book from No. 1 bestselling author David Walliams - a timeless adventure illustrated by artistic genius, Tony Ross. On a volcanic island, in the middle of shark-infested waters, stands The Cruel School. The lessons are appalling, the school dinners are revolting and the...
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1.690 Lekë
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'The book is great: moving but also properly funny.' Hadley Freeman, The Guardian 'A memoir with an unusual sense of purpose. . . pithy, highly readable' The Times The entire world knows Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly, the teenage sidekick of Doc Brown in Back to the Future. His two previous...
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1.390 Lekë
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'No one else can make me laugh and cry quite like Jilly Cooper.' Gill Sims 'Jilly Cooper's non-fiction is just as entertaining as her novels.' Pandora Sykes ____________________ 'One truth I have learnt, as middle age enmeshes me like Virginia creeper, is that I shall never change-because my...
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790 Lekë
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800 Lekë
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“Akutagawa ishte një shkrimtar i tregimeve të shkurtra i cili prodhoi shumë vepra, disa më të suksesshme se të tjerat. Në fakt, ka një numër të mirë që duket se nuk është me interes të veçantë për lexuesin modern - ose të paktën për lexuesin e përgjithshëm modern. Kjo mund të jetë pjesërisht për...
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2.090 Lekë
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Mitologia, fiaba e letteratura sono le coordinate dei tredici racconti contenuti in questa raccolta, che propone una selezione di alcune fra le voci più interessanti della letteratura albanese del Novecento, impegnate a indagare la realtà muovendosi lungo diverse direttrici: il conflitto fra il...
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1.390 Lekë
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'Striking...brilliantly done' The Times An ember storm of a novel, this is Booker Prize-winning novelist Richard Flanagan at his most moving-and astonishing-best. Anna's aged mother is dying - if her three children would just allow it. Forced by their pity to stay alive, she increasingly escapes...
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2.190 Lekë
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`Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea` tells the classic story of Captain Nemo and his submarine Nautilus as seen from the point of view of Professor Pierre Aronnax, who was commissioned to find the mysterious sea monster responsible for sinking ships. Written by French science fiction writer...
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