Books & Art

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950 Lekë
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'I am a woman's rights. I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that? I am as strong as any man that is now' A former slave and one of the most powerful orators of her time, Sojourner Truth fought for the equal rights of Black women throughout her...
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2.000 Lekë
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"Epoka e trazirave' është përballja e pakrahasueshme e Alan Greenspan-it me botën e sotme financiare, çka lidhet ngushtë me përvojën vetjake dhe punën për drejtimin e ekonomisë globale për një kohë më të gjatë dhe më me shumë efektivitet se çdo figurë tjetër e gjallë. Duke ndjekur harkun e...
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1.400 Lekë
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Veprat e Zhyl Vern janë një shkrirje gjeniale e fantazisë me realitetin, e së tashmes me të ardhmen. Prej këtej nisemi kur themi se Zhyl Verni krijoi një gjini të re, siç është romani fantastiko-shkencor. Edhe përpara tij ishin shkruar vepra të tilla. Le ta kujtojmë "Robinson Kruzonë" e...
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2.190 Lekë
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Learn to write better academic essays *The Collins Academic Skills Series - winner of the ELTon 2014 Innovation in Learner Resources Award.* Collins Academic Skills Series: Writing gives you the skills and strategies you need to write well-structured essays, reports and case studies and achieve...
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2.190 Lekë
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Find inspiration in these selected speeches from the 44th president of the United States. This curated collection of landmark speeches chronicles Barack Obama's presence on the national stage, covers his signature policy initiatives, and addresses major moments in American life and history during...
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2.090 Lekë
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Do you understand everything you read in English? To read fluently in all situations you need to practise reading different kinds of texts. Collins Reading presents 20 different texts with exercises to help you develop the skills to read anything you come across. Reading features authentic texts...
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990 Lekë
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Based on the billion dollar DreamWorks frnachise, read all about Hiccup and Toothless's next adventure in Berk in this official Story of the Film! Everyone's favourite heroes Hiccup and Toothless are back for a brand-new adventure! Read the story of the film in this fun, full-colour storybook!...
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800 Lekë
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Hyrje në arkitekturë, vepër tashmë klasike - plotësisht e përditësuar në sistemin e vet ikonografik - mbetet një domosdoshmëri për këdo që dëshiron një njohje fillestare të arkitekturës së shkuar dhe të tashme. Kjo “histori arkitekture” është ndarë në mënyrën më tradicionale: fillon nga Greqia e...
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300 Lekë
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Në këtë libër do të lexoni disa nga përrallat e Andersenit si: Pesënjakët, Gjilpëra e jorganit, Gishtëza, Mjellma e egër...
In this pioneering, practical book for parents, neuroscientist Daniel J. Siegel and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson explain the new science of how a child's brain is wired and how it matures. Different parts of a child's brain develop at different speeds and understanding these differences can...
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3.290 Lekë
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"[A] well-plotted survey." Total Film In 100 American Horror Films, Barry Keith Grant presents entries on 100 films from one of American cinema's longest-standing, most diverse and most popular genres, representing its rich history from the silent era - D.W. Griffith's The Avenging...
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130 Lekë
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Përrallë e bukur dhe e shoqëruar me ilustrime plot ngjyra, e cila jo vetëm që është argëtuese, por nxitë imagjinatën dhe fantazinë e fëmijëve.
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990 Lekë
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Tour guide in cooperation with National Society for Mountainous Studies SHKSM and Albanian Alps Association GPS-compatibel Tracks Hiking & Biking Map 1:50 000
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600 Lekë
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7.490 Lekë
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Since the dawn of modernism, visual and music production have had a particularly intimate relationship. From Luigi Russolo's 1913 Futurist manifesto L'Arte dei Rumori (The Art of Noise) to Marcel Duchamp's 1925 double-sided discs Rotoreliefs, the 20th century saw ever more fertile exchange...
Biomimetics - imitating life's natural processes - is one of the hottest areas of design research and inspiration. The natural world contains infinite examples of how to achieve complex behaviours and applications by using simple materials in a clever way, as all organisms make use of limited raw...
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2.990 Lekë
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Are We Human? rethinks the philosophy of design in a multi-dimensional exploration from the very first tools and ornaments to the constant buzz of social media. The average day involves the experience of thousands of layers of design that reach to outside space but also reach deep into our bodies...
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1.500 Lekë
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400 Lekë
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Arkitekti, një vepër e shkruar me aq art, e ngjizur në një të vërtetë të pamohueshme: simbolika e diktaturës, shkatërrimi i intelektualit, i diktuar të mbijetojë, nën pushtetin e saj vrasës. Vepra është e jashtëzakonshme, marramendëse, e vërtetë. Ajo është e ngjeshur me figuracione dhe është...
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5.990 Lekë
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In this study Rab Hatfield provides a thorough, no-nonsense analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa or La Gioconda. The book begins with a consideration of the generally known sources and documents and a careful look at the painting as we know it now. There follow discussions of rarely examined...
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