Books & Art

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600 Lekë
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990 Lekë
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Sport is big business; international in nature and the focus of much media and cultural attention. In this Very Short Introduction, Mike Cronin charts the history of sport, from its traditional origins in folk football and cock fighting to its position as a global phenomenon today. Looking at a...
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800 Lekë
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Më tepër se premtim për përgjigje është njoftimi i pyetjes që autori i shtron vetes përgjatë gjithë këtyre faqeve. Pra, këta libra nuk do të synojnë aspak të ofrojnë ndonjë gjeologji apo gjeografi shteruese të kinemasë, por vetëm ta shtyjnë lexuesin nëpër vargun e thellimeve, hulumtimeve,...
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990 Lekë
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Become the queen of the party with this beautiful Queen's Crown from Legami. These fun crowns are inflatable and designed to be worn by adults. Made from PVC, they are a must for any party and are an excellent gift idea.
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1.490 Lekë
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From the New York Times bestselling author of It Ends With Us, Colleen Hoover's bestselling Slammed series comes to its gripping conclusion. There are two sides to every love story. Now hear Will's. Layken and Will's love has managed to withstand the toughest of circumstances, and the young...
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600 Lekë
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AGRON CAMI, jurist, jeton në Amerikën e Veriut. Ka dhënë një kontribut të rëndësishëm në fushën e publicistikës politike e kritikës letrare në Gazetën Kritika. Autor i qindra materialeve, ai i kthehet tani krijimtarisë letrare me librin e tij të parë "Makina e trurit".. "Një novelë...
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2.890 Lekë
(Including tax)
Photographer, teacher, and sociologist Lewis W. Hine (1874-1940) shaped our consciousness of American working life in the early 20th century like no other. Combining his training as an educator with his humanist concerns, Hine was one of the earliest photographers to use the camera as a...
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1.750 Lekë
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800 Lekë
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Vetëm gratë dhe vajzat lejohen në Manastirin e Kuq, një parajsë larg abuzimit dhe shtypjes. Maresi, një rishtare trembëdhjetëvjeçare, mbërriti atje në mes të dimrit të urisë. Tani jeton një jetë të lumtur në manastir, e mbrojtur nga Nëna dhe tek i gëzohet bibliotekës së madhe në Shtëpinë e...
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1.000 Lekë
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1.500 Lekë
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Libri pershkruan historine mallengjyese te dy lidhjeve dashurore te ndaluara. Teksa ne vitin 1945 Rusia feston fitoren mbi naziztet, te shtenat gjemojne ne qender te Moskes, nje djale dhe nje vajze, veshur me kostume te shekullit XIX, dergjen te vdekur. Ata jane femije te udheheqesve sovjetike,...
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900 Lekë
(Including tax)
Për policinë nuk ka dyshime, bëhet fjalë për një aksident: Isaja i vogël, duke vrapuar mbi çati, kishte rënë. Por, Smilla s'mendon ashtu. E rritur në Groenlandë, ku ekzistojnë më se dhjetë fjalë të ndryshme për dëborën, ajo i kish parë gjurmët e fëmijës në dëborë dhe e dinte se ajo që kishte...
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290 Lekë
(Including tax)
The metal book divider is made of stainless steel. You can select the first letter of your name and thus connect the reading to something personally.
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590 Lekë
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Collins Keystart World Atlas is a multi-topic atlas of the World, which introduces topics to reflect the Geography, History and Environmental Studies Key Stage 2 requirements of the National Curriculum. The atlas is organised into themes: landscapes, climate, cities, pollution, explorers, global...
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3.590 Lekë
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La letteratura e la musica ci hanno abituato a pensare che non ci sia nulla di speciale nelle storie sul recupero da una dipendenza: non sono eccezionali quanto le avventure estreme e spericolate vissute durante una sbornia, non sono sagge quanto il genio creativo alimentato dall'alcol, celebrato...
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700 Lekë
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2.890 Lekë
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The entrancing story of the Bronte sisters' childhood imaginary world, from the New York Times bestselling graphic novelist Four children: Charlotte, Branwell, Emily and Anne have invented a world so real and vivid that they can step right into it. But can reality be enough, when fiction is so...
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500 Lekë
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2.590 Lekë
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Could an incoming asteroid cause human beings to go the way of the dinosaurs? Will artificial intelligence make the world a better place-or make human beings obsolescent? Could a massive volcanic supereruption thrust the planet into a killer Ice Age? What would happen the day after a nuclear war?...
In stock
990 Lekë
(Including tax)
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