Books & Art

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2.500 Lekë
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"Si të kujdeseni për fëmijën tuaj" plotëson nevojat e të gjithë prindërve. Këshillat e vlefshme shëndetësore, të dhëna në një stil të këndshëm të shkruari, i udhëheqin prindërit me kujdes përgjatë foshnjërisë, fëmijërisë së hershme dhe periudhës së adoleshencës të bijave e bijve të tyre.
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1.600 Lekë
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In 1958, Kadare was selected to pursue his writing and literary studies as a graduate student in Moscow at the prestigious Gorky Institute for World Literature. Twilight of the Eastern Gods is Kadare's fictionalized recreation of his time spent at this "factory of the intellect," a...
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2.090 Lekë
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Join Thumper and his sisters for their greatest adventures ever! Build a secret clubhouse, have a day out with Papa, make some new friends and more in this brand new collection. Each story is the ideal length to be read aloud in five minutes, perfect for bedtime, story time or anytime! Complete...
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3.590 Lekë
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1.490 Lekë
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800 Lekë
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"Toka e shenjtë” është shkruar nga Alda Merini në spitalin psikiatrik Paolo Pini të Milanos. Ajo e shndërron përvojën e saj të tmerrshme në një ditar intim, të fshehë, me fjalë të drejtpërdrejta e pa filtër, me mesazh të menjëhershëm. shpesh i mbushur me shëmbëllesa shtazarake. Por, mjeti...
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3.590 Lekë
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Engrossing... A remarkable story' Sunday Times 'Above all a story of inherited resilience, strength of character and self-determination' Observer Chinese dissident. Ground-breaking artist. Global icon. Here, through the sweeping, extraordinary story of his own and his father's lives, Ai Weiwei...
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5.490 Lekë
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This third and final volume in the Indicia book series presents the results of the Future Cities Laboratory research program in the form of "actions" for sustainable city-making. It complements the first and second volumes of the series that respec- tively documented the research...
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8.990 Lekë
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6.990 Lekë
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In 1923 the Turkish government, under its new leader Kemal Atatürk, signed a renegotiated Balkan Wars treaty with the major powers of the day and Greece. This treaty provided for the forced exchange of 1.3 million Christians from Anatolia to Greece, in return for 30,000 Greek Muslims. The mass...
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900 Lekë
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Në këtë libër do të njiheni me rrëfenjat më të këndshme që janë përcjellë gojë mbas goje e që prindërit e gjyshërit ua kanë kallëzuar vogëlushëve strukur në një qoshk pranë ndonjë zjarri bubulak, kur gjumi zinte e u ulej mbi qepalla dhe kur realiteti fashitej e imagjinata merrte krahë. Me pak...
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500 Lekë
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Amos Oz është zëri i pastërtisë së ardhur prej konfuzionit, gënjeshtrave, thirrjeve histerike e botës retokrike të konfliketev të kohës. Me një pastërti brilante në “Si të kurosh një fanatik”, ai analizon rrënjët e gërshetuara historike që prodhojnë lulet e djallëzuara të dhunës, të mjella sërish...
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1.000 Lekë
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Në këtë vepër fuqidhënëse dhe të pabotuar kurrë më parë, autori legjendar për zhvillimin personal, Napoleon Hill, ndan parimet e tij të suksesit, një seri zakonesh dhe mendësish të cilat ju japin themelet për një sukses që ju ndryshon jetën. Libri bestseller i Hill-it, Mendo dhe pasurohu, ka...
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4.900 Lekë
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Turkey is witnessing an era of political upheaval. From the Gezi protests in 2013 to the attempted military coup of 2016, the concept of `post-truth' plays a significant role in Turkish politics today. In the chaos of conspiracy theories, hidden enemies and post-coup purges, the unreal merges...
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2.890 Lekë
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Nestled in the south of France, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, is a land renowned for its lavender fields, fine cuisine, golden sun, and dreamy landscapes. The region of Provence has inspired such masters as Alphonse Daudet and Vincent van Gogh. So enthralled was Paul Cezanne by the Mont...
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1.000 Lekë
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Lahuta e Malcís konsiderohet si kryevepra e Át Gjergj Fishtës të cilën autori filloi të e shkruante nga vitit 1905 duke e përfunduar në vitin 1937. Epopeja Lahuta e Malcís përshkruan luftërat e dy brezave, mirëpo këngët e saj më tepër tregojnë ngjarje të veçanta. Ajo nuk është një poemë që ka një...
In stock
590 Lekë
(Including tax)
Don’t you just love people who are easy to buy for? They make holidays and other occasions feel so much more relaxed. You know what else can do that? Wine. – Bags are approximately 5? (tall) x 12.5? x 3.25? – Paper with woven handles – Tissue paper not included
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1.090 Lekë
(Including tax)
Percy Jackson and the Titan s Curse is the third book in Rick Riordan s bestselling fantasy adventure series. w with a thrilling new cover look. Half Boy. Half God. ALL Hero. It s not every day you find yourself in combat with a half-lion, half-human. But when you re the son of a Greek God, it...
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1.000 Lekë
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1.190 Lekë
(Including tax)
The perfect book written specifically for bedtime to calm your own sleepy dinosaur! Muddy puddles, tropical birds, erupting volcanos... the jungle is full of so many exciting things, how can Rumble the dinosaur possibly go to sleep? Weaving a journey from lively beginning to gentle end, the...
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