Books & Art

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3.090 Lekë
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A magnificent pictorial document of the flowers grown in the greatest German garden of its time, the Hortus Eystettensis is in a class of its own when it comes to the range of flowers engraved. First published in 1613, the 367 copperplate engravings by Basilius Besler (1561-1629) capture the...
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100 Lekë
(Including tax)
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1.100 Lekë
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Nje liber i kendshem i astrologes londineze, T.Moorey; ka nje info te mrekullueshme mbi kulturen e mistershme, per astrologjine, astronomine, popujt e zhdukur apo fiset mistike, misteri i piramidave, i kontinenteve te zhdukura per te cilat flet Platoni - Antarktida dhe Lemuria, per 'fundin e...
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3.000 Lekë
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500 Lekë
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700 Lekë
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Ky libër është ndërtuar në 9 kapituj, sipas radhitjes së mëposhtme: I. Disa njohuri- bazë termodinamikestatistike; II. Parimi i parë dhe i dytë i termodinamikës; III. Pakthyeshmëria në fizikë dhe entropia; IV. Shpërndarjet dhe entropia; V. Entropia dhe informacioni; VI. Entropia dhe rendi...
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1.190 Lekë
(Including tax)
In his most practical book to date, financial expert and investment advisor James Rickards shows how and why our financial markets are being artificially inflated and what smart investors can do to protect their assets. What goes up must come down. As any student of financial history knows, the...
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2.000 Lekë
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2.890 Lekë
(Including tax)
A classic game which is fun for the whole family. Includes 5 giant wooden dice and score sheet pad.
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700 Lekë
(Including tax)
Origjina dhe Parimet e Revolucionit Amerikan krahasuar me Origjinën dhe Parimet e Revolucionit Francez (1800) ndriçon diferencën mes shkaqeve dhe parimeve të dy revolucioneve. Revolucioni amerikan mbrojti të drejtat kushtetuese historike kundër pushtimit anglez, ndërsa ai francez ishte një...
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8.900 Lekë
(Including tax)
In her vibrant works, the Brazilian painter Beatriz Milhazes fuses two very different worldviews. Her abstract compositions, which can be seen in a line with modernist masters from Henri Matisse to Bridget Riley, are saturated with the colors and light of her native country. Her paintings are...
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1.500 Lekë
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7.990 Lekë
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California Modern showcases the work of distinguished architect Grant Kirkpatrick, who shares his passion for life in Southern California. He is a native son, and California's imprint is seen thoroughly in his work and the houses he designs, as well as his commitment to modern architecture....
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2.000 Lekë
(Including tax)
Mediat, interneti, reklamat, shkolla, logjika dhe silogjizmi, gjuha, identiteti ynë kombëtar, transporti, qyteti, peizazhi i natyrës, mjedisi urban ose rural ku jetojmë, besimet fetare, shfrytëzimi i energjive natyrore, paraja, vlerat e kulturës materiale apo shpirtërore, shkenca, të drejtat e...
In stock
490 Lekë
(Including tax)
The key features Best selling children's author Six of the top selling titles Heavy laminated card & printed ribbon Great add-on sales for book sellers TERRITORY LIMITATIONS The blurb David Walliams’s best selling books are on wish-lists of school children everywhere. Magnificently funny, the...
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300 Lekë
(Including tax)
Ndër romanet më të njohur fantashkencë të Zhyl Vernit, “20 000 lega nën det” tregon historinë fantastike të kapitenit Nemo dhe nëndetëses së tij Nautilius. Gjatë udhëtimit, kapiten Nemo me ekuipazhin shkojnë në pika të ndryshme të oqeaneve, disa prej të cilave Verni i njihte nëpërmjet tregimeve...
In stock
500 Lekë
(Including tax)
Vlora is one of the most beautiful cities of Albania and is right to be proud. Called the "City of the flag,'''City with two seas" or "southern Adriatic port''she regarded as the pearl of the Albanian tourism, with its shores, Karaburun, Sazan, Llogora, Castle of Kanina, Narta...
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1.890 Lekë
(Including tax)
A major anthology of great Japanese short stories introduced by Haruki Murakami This is a celebration of the Japanese short story from its modern origins in the nineteenth century to remarkable contemporary works. It includes the most well-known Japanese writers - Akutagawa, Murakami, Mishima,...
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700 Lekë
(Including tax)
Nuk janë sytë e mi është një përmbledhje me 37 poezi të Ervina Halilit, poete dhe studiuese nga Prishtina, interesi studimor dhe poetik i së cilës qëndron tek miti dhe manifestimi i sjelljes kolektive. Përmbledhja e propozuar për lexuesin, në figuracionin letrar dhe përmasën e vet shpirtërore,...
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4.300 Lekë
(Including tax)
Ecrivain elle-même, épouse d’Ismail Kadaré, Helena dévoile ici le destin d’un couple exceptionnel. Dans ce récit truffé d’événements qui sortent de l’ordinaire d’une vie à deux, surgit l’actualité du demi-siècle qui a vu l’apogée, puis l’agonie et la fin des régimes communistes à l’est de...
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