Books & Art

How was the Soviet Union like a soup kitchen? In this important and highly revisionist work, historian Sheila Fitzpatrick explains that a reimagining of the Communist state as a provider of goods for the ‘deserving poor’ can be seen as a powerful metaphor for understanding Soviet life as a whole....
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1.290 Lekë
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620 Lekë
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Kush dëshiron të jetojë për mrekulli në një shtëpi, të veshë rroba të bukura e të pastra, t’ia kalojë mirë e bukur e të shkojë për çdo ditë në shkollë? Ndoshta të gjithë, përveç djaloshit Hakëlberi Fin. Haku sillet poshtë e lart dhe në qejf të vet gjatë rrjedhës së Misisipit. Bashkë me të është...
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700 Lekë
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990 Lekë
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The Flexistand is an ultra-thin, highly flexible, portable stand for all ranges of phones, eReaders and small tablets with or without cases. It is easy to position the phone either vertically or horizontally with infinite angle adjustment for comfort and ease of use. Can be used for video...
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7.990 Lekë
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In 2005, Austria celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of its liberation from the Nazi regime and the fiftieth anniversary of the State Treaty that ended the occupation and returned full sovereignty to the country. This volume of Contemporary Austrian Studies covers foreign policy in the twentieth...
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790 Lekë
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*THE NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER* A spy is dead. A legend is born. Read the explosive new James Bond thriller. ***** A British agent floats in the waters of the French Riviera, murdered by an unknown hand. Determined to uncover the truth, James Bond enters a world of fast cars, grand casinos and...
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1.490 Lekë
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When Carl Lee Hailey guns down the violent racists who raped his ten-year-old daughter, the people of the small town of Clanton, Mississippi see it as justice done, and call for his acquittal. But when extremists outside Clanton - including the KKK - hear that a black man has killed two white...
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700 Lekë
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1.000 Lekë
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“Blu safiri” është vëllimi i dytë i trilogjisë së gurëve të çmuar, pasues i romanit “E kuqe rubini”. Qysh në çastin që zbuloi se ishte e fundmja e të Dymbëdhjetë udhëtarëve të kohës, jeta e Guendolinës mori tjetër kthesë. Ajo nuk është një vajzë e zakonshme londineze, por një udhëtare në kohë, që...
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1.400 Lekë
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Njohja e fëmijës me makinat - llojet dhe funksionin e tyre, si dhe me sjelljen në trafik.
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1.500 Lekë
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Pellazgët, njerëzit e lashtë, paraardhësit e të gjithë popujve ind-europian, këta njerëz ishin të njohur për kulturën e tyre në Evropë, rreth tyre është e folur shumë pak, ose më mirë të themi gati aspak.
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2.890 Lekë
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New Book by International Bestselling Author Rhonda Byrne. Once you know, freedom is yours. The Greatest Secret, the long-awaited major work by Rhonda Byrne, lays out the next quantum leap in a journey that will take the reader beyond the material world and into the spiritual realm, where all...
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2.190 Lekë
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This book is an accessible introduction to the critical theories used in analysing art. It covers a broad range of approaches, presenting individual arguments, controversies and divergent perspectives. This edition has been updated to reflect recent scholarship in contemporary art and has been...
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600 Lekë
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Franz Kafka çmohet si simbol i letërsisë moderne. Parimi mbi të cilin ngihet tërë vepra e Kafkës ka karakter ekzistencial. Vepra e tij shpreh në mënyrë të tërthortë aspiratën e njeriut për të jetuar në një botë më të sigurtë, më humane, ku gjithkush mund t`i gjejë një kuptim më të lartë jetës.
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2.490 Lekë
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Are there actually tried and true principles that are always certain to help a person grow? John Maxwell says the answer is yes. He has been passionate about personal development for over 50 years, and in the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, he teaches everything he has gleaned about what it takes...
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2.190 Lekë
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850 Lekë
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Kodi: NC851
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1.300 Lekë
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Po sikur e ardhmja të jetë e kaluara? 1946: Kler Rendëll shkon në Malësinë Skoceze me bashkëshortin e saj, Frenkun. Ata duan të kalojnë një muaj mjalti të dytë, që t’i japin njëri-tjetrit të drejtën për të parë se sa i ka ndryshuar lufta, por edhe për t’i dhënë një mundësi të dytë marrëdhënies së...
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5.990 Lekë
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The epic successor to one of the most important books of the century: at once a retelling of global history, a scathing critique of contemporary politics, and a bold proposal for a new and fairer economic system. Thomas Piketty's bestselling Capital in the Twenty-First Century galvanized global...
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